24 Sep

my holistic journey.

life can be really sad and depressing but i choose to fight depression and extreme sadness and find happiness where there's no light. i choose to find magic in my life.

for me energy healing is being present and in tune with the universe.

From childhood i've always known that i have the ability to calm furious and unwanted energy by a certain way of breathing meditation. in time this way of energy healing took a toll on my mind, body, soul and spirit and clogged my energy flow. but i didn't give up in my belief and in my way. in time with age i learnt how to be better.

I believe strongly that we have the power to create and shape our space. it's up to an individual what energy they give to their environment.

i work not in a traditional sense with energy. i have a natural talent in the holistic way and spirituality and understanding the human psyche. of seeing and understanding energy in massage and healing.

whether you believe in me or not i'm always there to heal my universe and my world. and perhaps by doing this i heal you as well.


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